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I never would have imagined

It's 8:15 at night. My house is quiet ( often takes way longer to get to this moment when everyone is settled in bed and I get to sink onto my couch and breathe). And I feel compelled to write to you.

Usually I send an e-mail on Thursdays (earlier in the day) and today, I wanted to wait. And take some time on this one. To really write deeply from my heart to yours.

Maybe it's because we're entering into a new decade that I feel a bit more reflective right now. I've been thinking about my past decade, all the ups and downs, highs and lows, and the incredible changes that have happened and that I've created for myself. 2019 was the first year that I launched my coaching practice (really at the end of 2018, but I got serious about it in 2019).

Did I ever share with you why and how I got into coaching to begin with?

7 years ago, I had my first experience with Post-Partum Depression. That catapulted me into 6 years of growth, discovery, transformation and all the other "ra-ra" words that are over-used today.

In simple English: I went from being resentful, stressed out, overwhelmed, constantly comparing, beating myself up, not really knowing who I was and what I wanted and enjoyed to ... well, to where I am now. Helping other moms to get to the other side of ALL OF THAT.

I didn't believe it was possible then.

Now, I know that anything is possible. It was my life experience that led me to crave helping other moms. I don't want it to take anyone else six years. I don't want anyone to think, "This is just life. Life is crazy. Raising kids is overwhelming. I'm not enough. Everyone else manages way better than I do..." and on and on.

I want everyone to know that there are tools out there and people out there and help out there ... that they don't have to suffer.

7 years ago I never would have imagined...

...that I could love being a mom as much as I do

...that I could eliminate stress and overwhelm from my life (ok, 90% of the time. 100% would be unrealistic)

...that growing my confidence to where it is now would result in so much more than just confidence (like, I have a closet now filled with clothes I enjoy putting on because I know I'm worth it...worth spending some money on. Worth buying something for)

...that I'd become a coach and have a thriving coaching practice all in one year

...that it's possible to know myself so deeply, to know my needs, my wants, my desires, my passions, my talents ... and take action from that place

...that the tools I have now are literally the best thing ever, because you take your brain with you where you go

I get kind of giddy thinking about the changes I've made, and knowing that they're 100% possible for you.

What do you imagine for yourself? Where are you now? Where do you want to be?


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