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This changed everything for me
I feel like I can somewhat divide myself into my BEFORE and my AFTER. The way I was 10 years ago (BEFORE) vs. the way I am now, and have...
From Betrayal to Forgiveness
A couple weeks ago, something happened. I felt hurt. And betrayed. All feelings come from our thoughts. But my brain was telling me it...
I never would have imagined
It's 8:15 at night. My house is quiet ( often takes way longer to get to this moment when everyone is settled in bed and I get...
Do you want to get some more energy?
Minimalism seems to be ‘a thing’ these days. I’m all for it, but I am quite far from mastering any of it 😂 . Probably the opposite - my...
Image Maintenance is EXHAUSTING
Image maintenance is very exhausting I talk a lot [like here in episode #2 - How to have more energy, and in episode #16 - How to solve...
Giving your brain a rest
You know what drains your energy and increases exhaustion? cognitive load. That’s a fancy way for saying all the input you get in your...
You can do hard things
I got A LOT of wonderful feedback about my post-partum experience. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can read it here. BUT -...
Create Your Post-Partum Experience
My baby girl is almost 2 months old now. Look at her smirk! She's my 5th ... and I have not had a post-partum experience like this since...
There are times in life when my to-do lists get put on hold because of my life’s circumstances. Sometimes, it’s a reason I love, like...
Habitual thinking
If you want to know why you are where you are today or why you have what you have today, you’ll probably see that it boils down to a...
Toddler brain
Our brains on default are very similar to toddlers. First of all, the kinds of thoughts that run through your head unchecked … it’s Crazy...
Hold tight to your lifeboat
When I was in one of my depressions, I remember the feeling of being trapped in my body and mind. All I wanted to do was get out of my...
Focal Point
In my exercise class (I do Barre exercise), when we get up to tree pose, the instructor says, “OK, now gently lift your foot off the bar,...
Living in a breakthrough
One of my coaches often talks about this concept of “living in breakthrough,” and I absolutely love it. Just imagine living in...
Mom presence #6
This may sound counter to what I’ve been teaching, BUT today, we’re going to do the opposite of what we love in parenting. YUP. You read...
Mom presence #5
Remember the #1 thing that takes us away from being present with our kids? Stop thinking that your to-do list is productive and being...
Mom presence #4
When someone is talking to you, there are a lot of things that could be happening. You could be listening with your body (nodding,...
Mom presence #3
Sometimes, we can be physically present with our kids. And even mindfully present with our kids. But there’s still something missing:...
Mom presence #2
Did you know that clutter can occupy space in your MIND and take you away from presence? And not just physical clutter, but especially...
Mom presence #1
The #1 thing that stops you from being present with your kids? YOUR MIND. Present means in a particular place. Which means, when a mom...
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