I was recently coached on this specific topic, and I’ll share the outcome of that coaching session with you here. It might unnerve you. Your brain might want to argue against this (like mine did), but just open your brain to the possibility here.
I heard one of my coaches say that exhaustion was a feeling produced by a thought, and not a circumstance that we have no control over. Right away, my mind went, WHAAAATTT? That can’t be. I know when I’m tired. And it’s produced by a long day with the kids or a bad night’s sleep. It’s NOT something I can “think away.”
So I questioned it and got some coaching around this, and it cracked my brain wide open.
Here’s what I learned:
Why was I so resistant to it being a feeling that we produce with our thoughts? Because then I would have a responsibility here. I would have the responsibility to manage my mind and reduce my level of exhaustion. I wanted to just abdicate all responsibility by considering it a circumstance that I had no control over.
When I continuously have the thought “I’m so exhausted, I’m so tired,” I magnify the feeling of exhaustion. The thought “I could be tired and do this anyway,” has helped me accomplish what I’ve wanted to, despite feeling tired or exhausted.
I could look at it as a circumstance, but when I look at it as a feeling produced by a thought, there’s room for me to look at it curiously, take responsibility, see what I’m making it mean, and produce a different result in my life. It truly has been fascinating.
When we think that a thought or feeling within us is beyond our control, we give up all responsibility in trying to change it. Experiment with looking at it as something you produce and then what you would have to do to produce something else.