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Selfless self-care
If you’ve read my Calm & Confident Mom Handbook, or my blog post titled Radical Self-Care, you’ll know my philosophy about self-care....
Our wonderful Nest thermostat broke. And I was at a total loss for what to do about it because … technology. So we called the Nest...
Crazy months
“This month is so crazy.” Which month would you say that about? Some moms say that about September (perhaps the getting back to school...
Cover emotions vs. comfort emotions
Emotions … the “feels … the stuff that sometimes we avoid (when we don’t want to feel it) and sometimes we embrace (when we love the...
Your greatest contribution
I had a fascinating discussion with a group of people about life and death. And one person said, “I’m scared of dying without making a...
Overwhelm is optional
Many moms I work with or speak to have this number one go-to emotion in their motherhood: overwhelm. Did you know that EVERY thought is...
A parenting buffer
If you look up the word “buffer,” it means to lessen or moderate the impact of. Often, we humans buffer in order not to feel a certain...
What are you forgetting to think?
Humans have somewhere between 60,000-80,000 thoughts a day. (I’m sure you’ve heard me say that before). That’s A LOT of thoughts. A whole...
Stop beating yourself up
I still haven’t figured out why, but we women/moms are masterfully skillful at beating ourselves up. We walk around our houses with...
Winning or learning?
So much of what we do, or don’t do, is to avoid a feeling. The feeling of failure. Or disappointment. Or not-good-enough. And then when...
Redefining productivity
My kids are off from school next week for winter break. My brain said, "That'll be fun—I'm excited for what we'll do together." And then...
Friend vs. coach
Recently, I was coaching one of my good friends. After a few coaching sessions together, she said to me, “Now I totally see the...
What's your expectation?
Do you want to know the #1 thing that leads to resentment? It’s very simple: expectations. And for sure unrealistic expectations....
I’ll tell you why this picture means a lot to me . Today I took my youngest (of 4 kids ) to the children’s museum . And I loved it. I was...
Set yourself up for success
Cherries means summer’s coming and— Summer = Dread. Wait, what ??? Yep, that’s what summer used to mean for me. I love the structure of...
Fill your gas tank
Whether you’re the kind of person who waits till your gas tank is empty to refill, or whether you fill up at various points throughout...
There's 1001 ways to be a good mom
About 6 years ago, when I was drowning in self-loathing, not-good-enough syndrome, I remember strongly believing that I was not a good...
What's your brain marinating in?
Last Sunday, I made awesome shish kabobs. And I had to marinate the meat. Here’s a sign that I’m a life coach through and through: I was...
Let's make this the norm
The need to have a doctor, a dentist, an optometrist … those are all a given. It’s a standard in our society to take care of our physical...
Put anxiety in the backseat
Yesterday, I had an awesome conversation with my 9-year-old daughter. We were driving, and she was sitting in the passenger seat next to...
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