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3 steps towards change
I was in Target the other day and I watched someone else’s toddler throwing a tantrum (finally it wasn’t mine!). The mother was standing...
Differentness is Wonderful
Lately, I’ve been hearing this a lot from people. Statements like: “My spouse is so different from me,” “We have different interests,”...
Lift someone up
I want to share with you some of the shifts I’ve been working on. Here’s one of them: I’ve noticed how often I say “I’m sorry” for...
The other side of the coin
Sometimes we forget the other side of the coin. Every emotion has two sides to it. The other side of LOSS is LOVE. When you experience...
What motivates you
I made a promise to myself when I started posting my coaching content on social media. I'm not the type of person who likes to "put...
Just be
This says it all … I’ve sent this to numerous clients at different times depending on what they’re going through. I’ve read it daily...
The key to your happiness
Perhaps the most valued emotion in our society is “happy.” How many times have you said or heard someone say, “I just want to be happy,”...
Gifts to your future self
Getting up early before my kids was something I’d been wanting to do for years, and just couldn’t imagine actually doing. I was always so...
3 secrets for absolute balance in life
It took me SIX years to get out of the cycle of feeling like I was running on a hamster wheel, trying to do everything perfectly and...
Empower yourself
Words are very important. The thoughts we think and the words we use to express those thoughts are like a brush to the canvas of our...
Time management
The amount of articles, books, podcasts, classes, you name it, on time management are endless. And often clients ask me to help them with...
The why of motherhood
I love teaching my clients about powerful decision-making and how to strengthen their decision-making muscle so that they don’t live in...
Kids off of school?!
When summer is approaching, or winter break, or holidays, you might very well be thinking the thoughts that so often creep up … Ugh, I...
Getting out of victimhood
Instead of asking “WHY ME?” ask “WHAT NOW?” WHY ME = Victim Mentality WHAT NOW = Empowerment Why me? is a very easy question for our...
Profesional brain-organization
A couple days ago, someone said to me “So what exactly does it mean to be a Life Coach ? Like, what exactly do you do?” And what popped...
What you THINK other people think of you
Do you find yourself often ruminating in your brain, wondering what someone else is thinking in their brain about you? Guess what? What...
Fill you cup so you're overflowing
Yesterday, a friend gave me $300 and said, "Take your daughter shopping. Spend all of it. And only buy things you WANT, nothing you...
Signal Emotions
Stress and resentment are signal emotions. They’re signaling to you that something needs to change in your life. The worst thing you...
The benefit of fear
On the other side of fear, your dream life awaits you. Our natural instinct is to give in to our fear. Our brain likes safety. And...
My brain is a silly story-teller
This line popped out of my client’s mouth and I absolutely LOVE IT. We had been doing tons of thought-work. Her brain was saying things...
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